It's weird how my heart skips a beat everytime i get a textmessage from him. I get an intense feeling of happiness, and I get butterflies in my stomack. My head goes spinning and I get an automatic smile on my face.
I've been dreaming of him lately. And oppose to the dreams I've had before, I remember every one of them. It's really weird. It's usually two different kinds of dreams, but I don't think I want to share them with random blogreaders and the two friends who read my blog. It's a little too private to share, I think.
Anyway.. I've been really girly the last month. Insecure. My boyfriend has been sort of short in the texts he sends me, and they have been further apart than before, and even though he makes sure to write that he loves me, I thought that maybe he didn't. It turned out that he had his exams (11!!), and I think he was a little freaked out over it. He hasn't said anything about it though, and I didn't tell him how I felt, and now I'm SO glad I didn't! I feel so stupid, and horrible that I could even think that. He passed 9 of them by the way, and I couldn't be more proud of him..
If you don't like to read about happy couple stuff, you should stop reading here;)
I just have to say that I think I am the luckiest girl in the universe! Not only is my boyfriend the kindest, most beautiful (or should I say handsome?:P) and smartest guy in the world, but he is also funny, sensitive, manly, generous, and mature. He is pretty shy but he still knows how to talk to people, he is able to listen to the things I say without asking the wrong questions, and he is funny without even trying. And the best thing of all; he loves me.
For you who wonders why I write about textmessages; We're in a long distance relationship. It's hard sometimes, but it works for us. At least for now..
Oh, and none of us likes to be in front of the camera:P