
What's your darkest secret?

I had yet another interesting conversation with people at lunch yesterday. None of the people I know where there, but everyone I've met there is so nice! We talked about the Christmas shows for kids, a zoo in Kristiansand (a city in Norway), mean jokes, and the news from the day before. I didn't say much because I was eating (again..), and I realized how much people like to talk about themselves. They can say so much about themselves without talking directly about their lives. You can get an understanding about their personality if you take the time to listen to what they are saying and how they say it. What they are passionate about, and how they raise or lower their voice when they talk about something. Reading people has sort of been my hobby for the last few weeks, because I've met a lot of different kinds of people on the school i go to. It's not really a school though, but I take math class and french class there. I've always been interested with how the human mind works, and I often feel like a hobby psychologist. I'm the person everyone opens up to, and somehow people feel like they can tell me their darkest secrets.. Don't ask me why, because I don't even know that myself.. It's fun for me though;) And I definitely think it's good for them. It's not healthy carrying around secrets..

I want to remind you about postsecret, that posts secrets every sunday.

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